Redland Kennels is located just outside Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, high on a hill on 20 acres of mixed forest. Our cottage on the ocean is just 5 minutes from our home. So our dogs have lots of room to run and play both in fenced forest areas and on a saltwater beach nearby.
Our first dog, Indy, a Whippet, Laba’s Blue Indigo, joined our family as a young adult dog, with Championship points and basic training in Lure Coursing. How lucky could we get? When Indy was about 10 years old we started to think of having a second dog in the family. Since we spent our vacation each summer in Nova Scotia on the South Shore, we were familiar with Duck Tollers and fortunate enough to know about Harbourlights Kennels and Avery and Erna Nickerson.
In the summer of 1988 we visited Harbourlights and after several hours talking with Avery and meeting many of his dogs including Gatter and Big Splash, we were invited into the Nickerson’s home and that signaled that we would be able to purchase a Toller from Harbourlights. Later that summer, Swish
(Harbourlights Scotia Haven) became our first
Each summer when we returned to Nova Scotia for vacation we would visit the Nickersons. We were fortunate to be able to take pictures of the Harbourlights dogs during those visits and we have put a number of those pictures on the Toller Geneological site for all to enjoy. Other pictures of some Harbourlights dogs are in the section called
Tribute To Harbourlights.
In June of 1993 we purchased our foundation stud dog,
Harbourlights Salty Dog, and in June of 1996 we purchased our foundation brood bitch,
Harbourlights Cinniman Twist. Both of these dogs were selected for us as breeding stock by Erna Nickerson.
In October of 1997 we moved permanently to Nova Scotia and Redland Kennels was established. The following summer we had our first litter of Salty/Twister pups,
The “A” Litter. This web site shows you our current breeding stock in
The Redland Boys and The Redland Girls sections, the litters from “A to F” which have been whelped at Redland and a number of
Fun Photos taken over the years. |
Entrance to Redland Kennels

Our Redland Home

Fenced Areas and the Kennel Building |